
Milky Way above Easter Island

R Ayi Hendrawan S
Jumat, 28 Desember 2012, Desember 28, 2012 WIB Last Updated 2020-02-14T20:30:38Z
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Milky Way Galaxy - Easter Island

Why were the statues on Easter Island built? No one is sure. What is sure is that over 800 large stone statues exist there. The Easter Island statues, stand, on the average, over twice as tall as a person and have over 200 times as much mass. Few specifics are known about the history or meaning of the unusual statues, but many believe that they were created about 500 years ago in the images of local leaders of a lost civilization. In this picture, some of the stone giants were illuminated in 2009 under the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Image Credit & Copyright: Manel Soria
Explanation from: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap120618.html



